Every day is a new beginning
General Counselling
General counselling can help you to:
- express your feelings and thoughts
- gain insights into your challenges
- identify patterns in your behaviour
- develop coping strategies
- improve your emotional wellbeing
- navigate life transition and make decision
You can benefit from general counselling for:
- stress and anxiety
- low self esteem or self confidence
- grief and loss
- personal growth and self awareness
- life change and adjustments
Investment per 70min session: $144
Birth counselling
Birth counselling can help you to feel confident and resilient while facing the challenges, the change and unknown of pregnancy, birth and parenthood.
- It aims to support you with the emotional, mental, and sometimes physically aspects of the childbirth process and the transition to motherhood.
- It aims to address fears, concerns and expectations surrounding pregnancy, labour, delivery and postpartum.
- It aims to support your confidence in decision making during your pregnancy, birth and motherhood journey.
- It aims to provide you postpartum support
You can benefit from birth counselling if you:
- If you feel anxious, stressed, overwhelmed
- Are a first time parent
- Have experienced a previous traumatic birth
- Are exploring alternative birth options
Investment per 70min session: $144
Birth debriefing/ recovery
1:1 session (70min)
Birthing a baby is a very opening and expanding experience on all levels: physiological, emotional and spiritual.
No matter what your story of birth is, vaginal birth, waterbirth, c-section birth, traumatic birth, early pregnancy loss birth, abortion birth etc... every mother needs time and space to recover and integrate her birth story.
Depending on how the birth experience was experienced and felt from within and how the mother was held and supported at the time, the recovery can last from a few weeks to a few months or even years.
It tends to take the longest when intense emotions, feelings and thoughts have previously had nowhere to go to be heard and expressed.
A mother needs her pain and grief validated. Birth recovery and birth debrief are an important part of the birth process. It helps to bring a sense of completion, acknowledgment and value to the story.
The mother is then ready to take the next step and move forward on her life journey with peace in her heart.
This session can be beneficial for women:
- Who felt that their birthing experience was difficult, unexpected or distressing.
- Who are experiencing in the months or years following a birth array of deep emotions and feelings, such as failure, guilt, shame, anxiety, anger.
- Who have experienced a loss.
In this session, we will make sure that your birth story is heard and acknowledged.
Talking openly and honestly about your birth experience can help you feel lighter, move forward and bring more self-love, acceptance and meaning into your life.
Investment per 70min session: $144