Soul Care

Soul care addresses what truly matters to your heart. During a time of deep change or challenge, you are often presented with an “extraordinary” opportunity to access your soul and spirit. Ceremonies are a way to honour and engage with that process.


A ceremony is performed on a special occasion. A ceremony often involves a deep commitment, acknowledges a deep change or a celebration.

Honoring women rites of passage: A rite of passage marks the transition from one phase of life to another.

"As a woman journeys through her life, she encounters many shamanic journeys. These are the opportunities for transformation and development of her being." - Jane Hardwicke Collings


Blessing the mother

A beautiful heartfelt ceremony to celebrate and honour the rite of passage of motherhood.

  • This is an intimate ceremony inspired by the traditions of an ancient Navajo ceremony called a Blessing Way.
  • As Westerners, we know very little about this tradition. We are humbled that we now remember the importance of honouring and celebrating the mother to be.
  • The mother usually chooses her closest circle of women to mark her rite of passage that is becoming a mother.
  • A mother’s blessing is meant to inspire, encourage and fill the expectant mother with love and trust before she gives birth to her baby (about 1 month before).
  • It aims to prepare the mother for her upcoming birth physically, mentally, and emotionally.
  • A mother’s blessing also offers an opportunity for the group to connect deeply with each other, to remember belonging to community and to remember the red thread connecting us with all the mothers who have gone before us.

This package includes:

  • 1 zoom session for preparation (map out the plan and intention, email communication to confirm the details).
  • email sent out to all the guests to explain the preparation and what to expect.
  • a 2 hour circle facilitation.

Investment: $330

Ceremony for change

Creating a soulful ceremony for any significant life change.

  • Crossing a threshold where life can’t return to what it was before the event.
  • Being held and heard.
  • Gain perspective.
  • Connect with trust.
  • Accept the change.
  • Move forward.
  • New hope and meaning.

This package includes:

  • 3 sessions (zoom or face to face) for mapping your needs and preparing for the ceremony.
  • Emails, resources, confirming details for ceremony.
  • 1 debrief session (zoom or face to face) after the ceremony.

Investment $490 (include 4 sessions)