Pregnancy, Birth and beyond

Womb to Heart Pregnancy Circle

Be nurtured and inspired!

These circles are held by Stephanie and Emilie.

Stephanie @dearme_mothertobe
Stephanie is a counsellor, yoga teacher, and mother of one boy. She is passionate about supporting women through the mental, emotional, & spiritual changes of pregnancy & birth.

Emilie @wombconnect
Emilie Alciato is a counsellor and art therapist passionate about supporting women in their birthing and motherhood journey. She runs groups and 1:1 sessions.

There are supportive gatherings for pregnant women to come together to connect, express, share wisdom and experiences to be inspired and receive encouragement to follow their truth during pregnancy, birth and beyond. 

Our aim is to empower women to navigate the joys and challenges of pregnancy while being nurtured, affirming their inner wisdom, their instincts, and enhancing their confidence. 

For women at any stage of their pregnancy. 

  • Circle 1: Exploring Your Pregnancy Journey - Saturday 22nd of March
  • Circle 2: Preparing for an Empowered Birth - Saturday 3rd of May
  • Circle 3: Exploring Your Transition to Motherhood - Saturday 14th of June

Investment: $120 for one circle

Early bird discount: $98 ! Save $22 when you book 3 weeks before.

Early bird will end 1st of March, 12th of April, 24th of May.

Click on the link for more details or to book in.

Connect with your baby

1:1 session (70min)

This session can be beneficial for women:

  • Who want to conceive
  • Who are pregnant
  • Who experienced a baby loss

In this session we can use birth art techniques, movement and dance or medicine drumming.

Medicine drumming or drumming meditation is an ancient practice that helps to alter your state of consciousness so you can dive deeper into yourself and access guidance and inner wisdom.

Each technique can facilitate reception of messages from your baby and create a deep connection and story with your baby.

Investment:  $144 per session

Pathways of Birth

To support a customized emotional and sacred approach of birth and pregnancy.

Birth sets the foundations of love, attachment and trust for life.

  • Awaken your power of transformation.
  • Free yourself of fears, know yourself.
  • Deepen your connection with your baby.
  • Strengthen trust and confidence in yourself and the birth process.
  • Honour the rite of passage of motherhood.
  • Feel the genuine care carried through your pregnancy, the birthing process and the postpartum time.
  • Address underlying emotions and concerns (non medical related).

This package includes :

  • 6 (75min) prenatal zoom sessions (or in person when possible) to be emotionally supported during your pregnancy.
  • 3 (75min) postnatal zoom sessions (or in person when possible) to integrate the birthing journey and support you in your new role (birth debrief, assisting with emergence of new needs, talking through what’s arising, etc.)
  • Detailed emails, articles, references.

You can also access a free general resource now: 7 keys for birth.

A total of 9 sessions during pregnancy and after birth.

Investment for 9 x 75 min sessions : $990

** Please note, this package does not include being present for the birth. If you would like my services during the birth we will need to discuss further.

Release fears in pregnancy

1:1 Session (70min), number of sessions as needed.

Be fully aware of your fears and how they impact the choices you are making, and release them.

Clear the way to allow and welcome TRUST in yourself and the birthing process.

In these sessions, you have the opportunity to:

  • Ground yourself.
  • Release your fears and concerns about the journey of pregnancy, birth, motherhood.
  • Journal and prepare for a letting go of fears ceremony.
  • Connect with your birth vision and deepen your connection with your baby.

Investment:  $144 per session


1:1 Session (70min), number of sessions as needed

There is spirit and sacredness in birth. This is true for every birth (this includes early pregnancy loss; miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth), difficult or traumatic birth experience.

Birth is a peak experience that touches you and transforms you. Let’s take the time to honor that process.

This package aims to:

  • Bring meaning to your story.
  • Release what no longer serves.
  • Enhance a strong connection with your baby.
  • Support you to find the gold in the dark.
  • Support you to integrate the journey and feel at peace.
  • Support you in engaging and creating your own ceremony.

Investment per 70min session : $144