The sound and the beat of the drum can offer a powerful body experience.
It can:
• Connect us to our body and the present moment.
• Lift emotions.
• Dissolve stock energy.
• Help positivity flow.
• Boost immune system and energy.
• Bring focus and a sense of knowing.
• Help us to remember our spiritual essence.
I like what Dr Bittman (MD, Researcher, Neurologist) says about drumming:
“Deep within the essence of who we are there’s a sound, a vibration, an emanation that expresses life from every cell. It resonates in harmony with all living creatures– an inner voice ready to emerge as a vital heartbeat that inscribes a personal signature.”
“When our hands connect with a drum that vibrates with our energy, vitality, emotion, exhilaration, hope, sensitivity, giving, sharing and unity, we become whole again.”
Making your own medicine drum or shamanic drum can increase all these potent benefits to your life.